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tyrant56 - application

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tyrant56 - application Empty tyrant56 - application

Post  tyrant56 Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:12 pm

Minecraft Name:tyrant56
Forum Name:tyrant56
Reason For Application:i need a server to go on because i accedentally deleted old one and couldn't find or retieve it.
If Refered By Player, Who: mcsl (
Previous Servers:too many to remember Future Plans For You on the Server: i plan to build a city with a bakery, 6 or 7 houses for PEOPLE TO SHARE! got it? good!, 1 or 2 workplaces, a city hall, and a couple other things to make it more accesible, a billboard, a museum, mabe a restouraunt, and if possible a mall with npc's to help, and finally a spawnhouse with a guide!

i hope this app gets accepted because i want to help people have lots of fun, not that you aren't but i want to enchance it!


Dirt Digger
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